Stripping off the burden of expectations !

You wouldn’t wake up and run a 5km race. So don’t expect yourself to be able to dance every step right out of the gate.

I am part way through teaching a new series of burlesque courses, ranging from the traditional classic style through to some pinup and neo burlesque styles.

Every time I get underway and see a new and amazing group of students coming in the door, I am always reminded at how hard people can be on themselves.

I always use the running analogy.

Which is quite silly really, because I know very little about running of any distance.

Burlesque students circa 2018

But I think the metaphor stands.

As a novice, I wouldn’t expect to decide that I’m going to run a 5km race or a marathon and just roll out of bed, put on my sneakers and be able to keep pace for that distance.

If it was something I was keen on, I’d probably have to start with walking and running in intervals. I would have to practice or set aside some time each week to train.

And I think my expectation as a newbie runner would be to just complete the race. I doubt I’d have expectations of winning or of setting a record. Definitely not for my first time.

This is where I draw a comparison to my new students. In any other activity, I don’t think you would or could put pressure on yourself to be the ‘best’ at something. Especially something you have no experience in.

But for some reason, we set foot in a dance studio and have these totally unfounded expectations that we should be able to do all the moves.

I hear so many comments like “I am uncoordinated”, or “I just can’t do that”, “I am unfit”, “I am so unflexible”.

To anyone that is in my classes or has started their burlesque journey. It’s totally worth reframing how you think about everything you are doing.

You definitely aren’t uncoordinated or unable to do something. You are learning something new that you haven’t tried before. Even if you have dance experience - burlesque is pretty different. So don’t get so down on yourself for not being able to do something perfectly. It’s just something you haven’t done before.

You also aren’t unfit or have lost it if you are finding a class physically and mentally challenging. Doing anything new is tough. Moving parts of your body that you might not usually use, can be a bit tough. Not to mention the memory muscles you are exercising.

It’s really easy to be hard on yourself. But shrug off those expectations and just remind yourself that doing ANYTHING new takes effort. It could be burlesque, crochet, running or playing the piano. Any new activity is always going to challenge us.

So shake off your expectations and just go easy