What to give a burlesque babe during the holiday season (updated!)
Burlesque documentary Behind the Burly Q
A few years ago, I did the generous public service activity of suggesting some great gift giving ideas for burlesque babes to help any loved ones during the holiday season (or this can be dropped into an inbox of course as a massive hint).
Things change, and although there are some items on my post from a few years ago that I think still cut it, I thought an update was in order.
I’ve put these into budget categories from low cost to splurge items. But if you truly have a performer or burlesque enthusiast in your life, I reckon the safest bet would always be to buy tickets to a local show (and support your local artists! in the process!) as that can be a fun date night or night out for friends - and ticket prices can be anything from $20 +. So you can always pick something in your budget.
Another easy option is to grab them a gift voucher to their local burlesque school -especially if they are burlesque curious or keep talking about taking a class. This could let them pick a workshop or course that they most want to do (and save you the headache of figuring it all out!).
That said, here are some other tangible and less tangible gifts that you can give this holiday season - for all budgets!
Low cost ideas ($)
Rent a movie and have home movie screening
There are so many great options on both streaming services and online where you can rent a movie at a pretty low cost. Or if you are super old school, I’d scour your local second hand shop for some DVDs - as you can get some great retro movies at a low cost. this one I think is a fun idea becuase you can really do as much or as little as you like to make it a truly memorable expeirence (and we know that his means it’s special because you’ve put the effort in). You can dress on theme, decorate the house, get the snacks on board, turn phones off and make it a great evening - whether it’s a night for friends or a romantic date night.
Need some ideas? Check out my earlier post on great burlesque documentaries and movies…
2. Libraries and second hand book shops are great
I love a good bookshop browse. But your library is also pretty amazing (and free!). You can take the initative and go and grab some burlesque themed books - doing the heavy lugging of bringing them all home. Or go as an outing and make an experience of it by having a coffee or some lunch after browsing together. It’s about the quality time and putting the effort in. You’re leaving the house with purpose of doing something that is totally about them. And again you can make it a big deal or not.
If you like something tangible that you can really giver as a gift, but you know that funds are tight, try your local second hand bookshop. Often they are gems of places and you can totally unearth some treasures - it could be burlesque or go for related content like pinup history, understanding lingerie or corset construction, theatre and cinema history. Or don’t underestimate the power of a good coffee table makeup and fashion book.
My shoutout if you are Hobart based is Cracked and Spineless - which has a mix of new and second hand books. But everytime I go in there I find something totally unexpected (and essential to me!). They also post on Facebook when they are ordering stock in or have some unusual books in stock. I love being able to use this to put books on hold to keep me focused during my shopping!
I just think a book these days is a real luxury - whether borrowed, used or new. It’s the space needed to keep them; the cost you have to justify to yourself. So it’s often not something you would pick up for yourself. Which is why I think a book is always a sure fire gift.
You can also check out my reading recommendations here.
Mid price ideas ($$)
If you have a bit more to spend, I think the best value for money is a subscription service. Again it’s something that is often hard to justify to yourself - but I am sure would be gratefully recieved!
There are so many performers and schools these days that don’t just have in person classes - they have a catalogue of online classes and resources. Pricing can vary - but you can get some great bundles and offers.
In Australia? Check out Maison Burlesque or Bombshell Burlesque for a whole raft of online courses - from burlesque dance tips to costume techniques to performance tips. And they are led by some of Australia’s most top notch performers. So you aren’t getting useless information here.
In the international realm. Ginger Valentine would be where I would spend all my $$
I’m splurging and I want something they can unwrap….
Everything I have mentioned above is really stuff an aspiring performer or enthusiast would love.
But sometimes you want an actual present under the tree right?
YOU WILL NEVER GO OUT OF FAVOUR WITH A CATHERINE D’LISH ROBE. There are so many colours and styles to choose from (and sizes!) . Yes it’s the most basic burlesque bitch item to own. But every performer I’ve met is a basic burlesque bitch and will wear the shit out of these.
Other ideas?
Every performer loves a Vivaz Dance number. If in doubt on shoe sizing grab a voucher. But there is no ugly style on this website, and they are awesome for beginners to the more experienced alike. If your burlesque loving person is taking classes, chances are they are eyeing up this website (and they often have great deals and sales!).
We also love a costume moment, and Playful Promises has that perfect blend of pinup lingerie, fetish wear and just cute shit. Pick something out you’d love them in. Or again do a voucher and let them pick for themselves. What I love is that there are some gorgeous corsets, robes and negligees that don’t need bra sizing and let you go off a dress size (or stocking size!) which can be a bit less stressful!