What course should I take? How do I pick the best course?
It’s an email that I get pretty frequently. How do I get started? How do I know what course might be right?
There’s no hard or fast rule that I follow.
But if you are looking at my website - or any burlesque school for that matter! - here are some ideas.
Tip # 1 - Pick the best timeslot
Look at the timeslots! Often joining a class for a full term or course can be a time commitment. So sometimes the easiest thing is to find what might fit your lifestyle - whether you are someone that likes to drop into a class on the way home from work, or prefers a weekend that’s less rushed.
If you choose a time that fits around your current lifestyle you will be more likely to turn up. And I find that the more regularly you attend a class the more you get out of your experience.
Introduction to Burlesque students in the studio (December 2022)
Tip #2 - Don’t spend money on fancy props
Go with something that doesn’t involve a lot of hassle.
If it’s your first burlesque experience check what props, clothing or items are needed for the course. You probably want to go with something that you don’t have to buy something special or spend anything extra before you get started!
It’s enough stress starting something new without the panic of buying special items.
Tip #3 - Watch and get inspired
Watch a burlesque show! Or watch some videos (I have a full playlist of burlesque student shows here) of the school.
This can give you more information and ideas about the style of burlesque you might be learning. And of course you can see what kind of styles excite you the most!
Hope that helps!
If you are someone that has joined a burlesque school how did you find the right class? Leave your tips below - I’m sure other people would love to see them.